
Hello and welcome to my blog.

I have decided to start this to be able to get the day to day struggles of life with IBS off my chest so to speak and hope that airing them can make me feel more in control of a condition that in many ways controls me.

This first one will be a general introduction about me and as time goes on I will open up more about my symptoms and coping mechanisms.

So I am 39, although I can’t quite believe that as in many respects I still feel like I am in my early thirties, but time stops for no one and I work full time in an administration office based role.

I am married with no children but we have a cat, Maple, and she keeps us on our toes.

No-one else in my family has IBS but food intolerances and conditions affected by diet do run in the family.

I follow a gluten free vegetarian diet and I have been vegetarian for about 25 years and gluten free for about 2 years. It is a very restrictive diet and can cause issues at times. Being vegetarian is my choice but gluten free was started out of desperation for more of a normal life, but more about that in upcoming blogs.

I am not much of an exercise fan but try to walk as much as I can and my new tracker has helped this which can only be a good thing.

I am doing a basic nutrition course online which is tailored to food intolerances and associated issues. Once I complete this I have another more in-depth course that I want to do so I am trying to learn more about the issues that we face and that can only be a good thing.

Thanks for reading and another blog on the perils of life and IBS will follow in due course.

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